What is Operating System?
Hardware is nothing but finely designed machinery. A machine is ultimately a machine only,which is always made to work. In case of computers, it is either us if we do that or some other which does it for us. This some other is nothing but our very own operating system.
Operating system is just like our secretary. As the boss gives orders to his secretary and the secretary does all work for his boss. The secretary himself decides: How to do? what to do ?;etc Same way we pass our orders/requests to operating system and operating system does it for us. Operating system itself decides: How to do?; What to do?; When to do ? The primary goal of an operating system is thus to make the computer system convenient to use and secondary goal is to use computer hardware in an efficient manner.
An operating system is an important component of a system which controls all other components of a computer of a computer system are.
1. The Hardware
2. The Operating System
3. The Application program routines(compiler,linkers,database management system, utility programs)
4. The Humanware users)
Where hardware provides the basic computing resources, the application program routines define the ways in which these resources are used to solve the computing problems of the users and the Operating system controls and coordinates the use of the hardware among the various application programs for the various users.
By telling the computer how to perform common function, the operating system frees the application software to concentrate on producing information.
The operating system performs the following function:
(i) Provide the instructions to prepare user-interface i.e, way to interact with user whether through typed commands or through typed commands or through graphical symbols.
(ii) coordinates how programs work with the CPU, keyboard, mouse, printer and other hardware as well as with other software.
(iv) manage the way information is stored on and retrieved from disks.
There are various types of OS -
Single User OS:
Multi User OS
Batch Processing OS
Multiprocessing OS etc.
As the names suggest, single user OS supports single user whereas multiuser OS can support multiple users. The batch processing OS processes the batches(groups) of jobs(process given to it) and multiprocessing OS is capable of handling multiple CPUs at the same time.
Good bro