
PHP Superglobals

Superglobals are variable that are automatically available throughout all program code,in all scopes. These variables require no declaration they can simply be accessed. Super global variables provide: Useful information about the environment Allow access to HTML form  variables or parimeters Access to cookies stored on a client Keeping track of sessions and file uploads   They are as follows: $_GET  - $_GET is used for data passed using the HTTP GET method,which includes variables passed as part of the URL. For Example:                                                                                                                                                                                 The GET method is conventionally used when the processing script has no lasting observable effect,such as changing  a value in a database table. $_GET has been around since PHP 4.1.0 Before that,$HTTP_GET_VARS was used t

how to record video in vlc player

What is Operating System?

Hardware is nothing but finely  designed machinery. A machine is ultimately a machine only,which is always made to work. In case of computers, it is either us if we do that or some other which does it for us. This some other is nothing  but our very  own operating system.    Operating system is just like our secretary. As the boss gives orders to his secretary and the secretary does all work for his boss. The secretary himself decides: How to do? what to do ?;etc Same way we pass our orders/requests to operating system and operating system does it for us. Operating system itself decides: How to do?; What to do?;  When  to do ? The primary goal of an operating system is thus to make the computer system convenient to use and secondary goal is to use computer hardware in an efficient manner.      An operating system is an important component of a system which controls all other components  of  a computer of a computer system are.      1. The Hardware    2. The Operating System

How to use text attributes?

  USE OF TEXT ALIGN AND TEXT INDENT <html>  <head>  <title>Text Attributes</title>  <style text="text/css">   h1{     font-family:arial;     font-size:26pt;     text-decoration:blink;     color:red;   }  p{    font-size:12pt;    font-style:normal;    font-weight:bold;    color:#23238e;    text-align:justify;    text-indent:.5in;  }  </style>  </head>  <body>  <h1>Web Designer And Devlopment</h1><b><u>without text align,first line indent</u></b>  <p>    Most communication satellite have multiple, independent reception and transmission devices known as transponder. In a commercial communication satellite, a single transponder is usually capable of handling a full -color, commercial television transmission,complete with audio. Transponders for data transmission may be even larger. some firms that market satellite communication service own a satellite. Others lease a portion of a satel

Satellite Communication (Satellite Microwave)

Radio wave can be classified by Frequency and wavelength. When the frequency  is higher than 3Ghz, it is named microwave . Satellite communication is special case of microwave relay system. Satellite communication use the synchronous satellite to relay the radio signal transmitted from ground station . In recently , the use of wireless communication has gained more popularity. Compare to the traditional fixed wire terrestrial networks, satellite and microwave communication network features the time saving, fast implementation   and abroad coverage characteristic. It provides voice,fax,data and video service as well as email,file transfer ,WWW internet application. When fixed wire terrestrial communication networks are crushed by a disaster, the satellite and microwave  system as a emergency backup  facility will be started.      In satellite communication the earth station consists of a satellite dish that functions as an antenna and communication equipment to transmit and receiv

What is VoIP?

VoIP(Voice over IP) refers to a way to carry telephone calls over an IP data network. It offers a set of facilities  to manage  the delivery of voice information over Internet in digital form.

What are cookies ?

Cookies are message that a web server Transmits to a web browser so that the web server can keep track of users activity on a specific website.